In order to give a full-service event from a production company and enhanced ability to highlight client brands for the best impact. Winkler Livecom of Switzerland has added 200 Elation Professional KL Fresnel™ series luminaires to its inventory.
Winkler, based in Wohlen, near Zürich, is one of the largest full service companies in Switzerland, handling virtually all aspects of exhibition, corporate and public events from initial idea to execution. Since it established in 1996, Winkler regularly employed Elation lighting in its broad portfolio of projects, but the KL Fresnel acquisition is noticeable by the fact that it’s the the company’s first purchase of Elation gear.

“We continue to replace our bulb-based static lights with LED versions and invited several distributors to a shoot out here at our facility,” recounts Frank Burghardt, Head of Sourcing at Winkler Livecom. “Elation’s Swiss distributor Cast came with the KL Fresnel 4™ and Kl Fresnel 6™ and in the end it was the price vs performance ratio of the KL series that was the best.”
The KL Fresnel Series is a line of warm-white or cold-white LED Fresnel lights available in 50W, 150W and 350W models. Winkler acquired the 50W KL Fresnel 4 CW™ (50) and 150W KL Fresnel 6 CW™ (150), cold-white LED Fresnel lights with a 5,600K Cool White LED engine. Both luminaires include manual zoom, manual and DMX controlled dimming, and silent operation mode. Barn doors and gel frame holder are also included.
“We decided to invest in the cold-white version and then we can add full CTO or half CTO filters when we need a warmer look. It was a smart solution and gives us the flexibility to cover a wider color temperature range,” states Burghardt, adding that they also preferred the KL Fresnel’s manual dimmer knob on the back of the fixture, which was important as it allows Winkler to employ them more easily as a stand-alone light.
Useful for a variety of purposes including keylight, washes and front light, Burghardt says the quality of light was also impressive. “The output was excellent and the light was very homogeneous, also at the sides of the beam where it appeared very uniform and without a green or red tint. I should also mention the build quality. When you handle the lamp, you can feel that it is solidly built. There was really nothing on it that we would have changed.”
More information on the Elation Lighting website