Theatrical Piece

The Encounter, the binaural masterpiece designed by Gareth Fry and Pete Malkin

London 11:00 AM. I’m about to discover The Encounter and get a look behind the scenes at this unique opus in one of the most iconic theaters in the British capital, the Barbican. The press is unanimous: it is as disconcerting as it is captivating, and the 600 headphones that act as the sound system are the proof of that. We have an appointment with Gareth Fry and Peter Malkin, the two sound designers of this work, and with the ASD – Association of Sound Designers.

Electric Zoo Festival in New York

Jonathan Goldstein's original Design includes huge video screens and 80 MagicPanel™602

The Electric Zoo Festival is, by far, the largest Electronic Dance Music event in New York City, with 190 international artists from the global electronic music scene performing over 3 days (and into the night) on 5 stages for 150,000 enthusiastic attendees. 2013 marks the fifth year for Electric Zoo. With each successive iteration, Production Designer Jonathan Goldstein has pushed the edge of the envelope for technological originality – with more stages and more fabulous visual environments.

8 gems in the making

The Voice tour 2012

And we thought TV was going to be mad at music forever. Apparently this is not the case and the insolent success of the show The Voice, properly nourished with powdered Star Academy and Nouvelle Star porridge, is the living proof of that. With the help of television magic, eight up-and-coming artists groove this summer throughout France in The Voice Tour 2012, cheered by an audience as young as it is enthusiastic and accompanied by a very solid group, effective lights and five top dogs on sound. SLU attended one of the first dates in Bordeaux.

Under the divine light of Dimitri Vassiliu

Adam et Eve in the garden of leds

Giving humanity a second chance to live in harmony as a bro- therhood and with respect for nature, it is an opportunity for Pascal Obispo to describe our world of contrasts and to convey a very rich musical and choreographic content, blending rock, pop and electronic music with his musical comedy. Will the love of the rich blond golden boy Adam for the pretty poor mixed-race Eve save the world? In any case, these two, each with their clan, almost continuously attract 25 performers on stage, including singers, dancers and even acrobats. One can imagine the diffi- culty for the lighting designer Dimitri Vassiliu, in showing off this small world in the stage setting.