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Showlight 2025 Announces a new Wave of Speakers!

Showlight 2025 is very excited to announce the latest round of international speakers to present Papers at Dijon : Willie Williams, Dr, Yaron Abulafia, Christina Thanasoula, Saffran Popille, Elanor Higgins and Brad Schiller.

Text Showlight

Ayrton Diablo brings technology up to date at Theater De Maagd in The Netherlands

Theater De Maagd, a converted church-turned-theatre in Bergen op Zoom in The Netherlands, has recently undergone technical modernization, part of which included transitioning from halogen to LED lighting. Ampco-Flashlight Sales, recommended Ayrton Diablo TC, as a versatile and advanced LED fixture.
Text Ayrton - Photos Tim van Etten

Lighting Jedermann in Salzburg

Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Medieval morality play Jedermann has become a legendary and classic centrepiece of the world-renowned Salzburg Festival. First performed in 1920 – directed by Max Reinhardt – when the festival was inaugurated, it has been staged most years since then in the city’s magnificent Domplatz (Cathedral Square).
Text Robe - Photos by Monika Rittershaus

Rogues Get Ferocious at Furia Latina

Jim Lo-A-Njoe, wanted to create looks that would blow through the stage with the ferocity of a sudden storm. He got the intensity by building his rig around 78 high-output Rogue moving fixtures from Chauvet.

Text : Chauvet Professionnal - Photos ©Willy Silvanie, Press Play
