
Hog Factor Competition returns, this time at LDI

Text & photos: High End Systems.

High End Systems, manufacturer of the Hog consoles, is pleased to announce the fifth annual Hog Factor National Collegiate Lighting Show Programming Competition.
The top teams in the country will be brought to LDI 2019 in Las Vegas where they will compete to win school prizes.

Photo taken during a previous Hog Factor competition.

Universities are invited to enter as many teams as they like, of up to three students each. The competition takes place in two phases.

Phase One is an open competition and will consist of each team providing a performance lighting piece, programmed on a Hog you own or on Hog 4 PC.
This can be downloaded free of charge with a special demo version of Capture visualization, which will be made available to all teams.

Once performance piece submission closes on June 30th 2019, the top three teams will be selected by July 31st.

Photo taken during a previous Hog Factor competition.

Phase Two will see these three teams programming a performance lighting piece based on the High End Systems 2019 LDI booth design.

These top teams will then be invited to perform their pieces live at LDI 2019 on the High End Systems’ booth where the winners will be announced.

Competition rules

  • To enter the contest you must be a team of up to three students, CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN A US OR CANADIAN UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE PROGRAM.
  • Teams must have a sponsoring professor.
  • No more than three students to a team are allowed.
  • Once registration is completed an email with a link to download show files, visualizer files and instructions will be sent.
  • Only one show presentation submission per team is allowed.
  • Show presentations must use one of the following songs.
  • Download All Songs from individual links below.

Click here for iTunes version.
Click here for Amazon version.

Click here for iTunes version.
Click here for Amazon version.

Click here for iTunes version.
Click here for Amazon version.

Photo of the winning team from a previous Hog Factor competition.

Hog Factor 2019 prizes

  • First prize will be a Road Hog 4 for the school the students attend. Each student receives an ETC Student Nomad software package and dongle (including Hog4PC)
  • Second prize will be a Hedgehog 4x console for the school the students attend. Each student receives an ETC Student Nomad software package and dongle (including Hog4PC)
  • Third prize will be a Hoglet console for the school the students attend. Each student receives an ETC Student Nomad software package and dongle (including Hog4PC)

Photo taken during a previous Hog Factor competition.

More information on High End Systems Website.


