
CLF Odin and Ares fixtures bring color to the Tree of Hope

Text by CLF Lighting - Photos: Ben Houdijk & Bart Heemskerk

The Tree of Hope is an eye-catching temporary icon, which brings life and color to a former grey area of Amsterdam. At a time, when normally the festival season would be in full swing it functions as a symbol of hope. Initiated and created by the unsung heroes of the Dutch festival industry.

Photos: Ben Houdijk & Bart Heemskerk

The Tree of Hope is made up of two intertwined hands of 30 meters high. When opening up, a swarm of birds-of-paradise become visible. Each bird-of-paradise in the tree represents a different organisation or maker, flying around the festival industry. Together they represent the event industry in which the Netherlands plays Champions League on a global level.

Photos: Ben Houdijk & Bart Heemskerk

Lighting designer Robbert-Jan Vernooij chose CLF Odin outdoor zoom fixtures to illuminate the birds-of-paradise. CLF Ares LEDwashes were included to lighten up the Tree itself.
Both packed in a reliable IP65 housing, they challenge various weather conditions during the 3 months period of the project. In addition, the RGB + Lime LED engine of the CLF Odin offers a wide variety of colors which was decisive. All fixtures are supplied by Focus Amsterdam.

Photos: Ben Houdijk & Bart Heemskerk
Photos: Ben Houdijk & Bart Heemskerk

Design – Dennis van Harten (Q-Dance) & Marc Adema
Spoken word – Typhoon
Soundtrack Tree of Hope – Nootweer
Graphic Identity – Machine
Technical production – Backbone
Decor production – Brok Decor
Material & shape search hands of hope – ATM
Scaffolding – Coreworks
Lighting design – Robbert-Jan Vernooij
Light & technology – Focus Amsterdam
Concept, overall project management & content – WINK

More information on the CLF Lighting website



