The Tree of Hope is an eye-catching temporary icon, which brings life and color to a former grey area of Amsterdam. At a time, when normally the festival season would be in full swing it functions as a symbol of hope. Initiated and created by the unsung heroes of the Dutch festival industry.

The Tree of Hope is made up of two intertwined hands of 30 meters high. When opening up, a swarm of birds-of-paradise become visible. Each bird-of-paradise in the tree represents a different organisation or maker, flying around the festival industry. Together they represent the event industry in which the Netherlands plays Champions League on a global level.

Lighting designer Robbert-Jan Vernooij chose CLF Odin outdoor zoom fixtures to illuminate the birds-of-paradise. CLF Ares LEDwashes were included to lighten up the Tree itself.
Both packed in a reliable IP65 housing, they challenge various weather conditions during the 3 months period of the project. In addition, the RGB + Lime LED engine of the CLF Odin offers a wide variety of colors which was decisive. All fixtures are supplied by Focus Amsterdam.

Design – Dennis van Harten (Q-Dance) & Marc Adema
Spoken word – Typhoon
Soundtrack Tree of Hope – Nootweer
Graphic Identity – Machine
Technical production – Backbone
Decor production – Brok Decor
Material & shape search hands of hope – ATM
Scaffolding – Coreworks
Lighting design – Robbert-Jan Vernooij
Light & technology – Focus Amsterdam
Concept, overall project management & content – WINK
More information on the CLF Lighting website