When the energy group E.ON SE launched its ‘Networks of Tomorrow’ campaign to highlight the importance of energy networks for the success of energy transition, it decided to stage a spectacular drone show in which a new world record was set: 150 drones flew 13 dynamic and static formations in a row over the Berlin Olympic Park.
Nocturne Drone Shows, Jens Hillenkötter and E.ON SE achieved the Guinness World Record in the category ‘Most consecutive formations by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) single group’.

Jens Hillenkötter, Executive Creative Producer of the show, designed a 30m diameter circle of light from 24 GLP FUSION Exo Beams in alternation with other beam fixtures, which simultaneously marked the take-off and landing point of all drones. Consequently, the compact beamlights made their greatest impact during take-off and the perfectly choreographed multi-stage landing of the drones.
In addition, Hillenkötter used the moving lights, with their super narrow 1° beam angle, to support scenic looks such as the ascent of the drones or the shining sun. “In the sun, I used the Exo Beams to create ‘sun rays’ on the ground, which created grazing lights on the meadow,” explained the designer, describing the impressive show scene.
The Exo Beam 10 from FUSION by GLP is a powerful, yet very compact IP65-rated moving light. Thanks to the 1° beam angle, the crisp beams are visible even at great distances. The Exo Beam 10 uses a highly efficient 90 watt LED engine with a colour temperature of 7,500 Kelvin. These properties, in combination with a super-fast response, allow unbelievable mid-air effects, both indoors and outdoors.
Several factors favoured the Exo Beams during the world record drone show that lasted approximately 10 minutes. “First of all, the Exo Beam 10s from FUSION by GLP have an insane light output with a very defined beam path for their performance class,” stated Hillenkötter. “In addition, they do not outshine the motif in the sky, but simply create a structure from the ground that supports the light show in the sky very well.

I am also impressed with the extremely compact design, because that is by no means the norm for outdoor fixtures. The functionality of the Exo Beams is reduced to the bare minimum, yet I don’t miss any essential features, and as a designer don’t feel particularly limited in my creativity. Since the FUSION by GLP product line is also competitively priced, this choice ultimately saves on the budget.”
Hillenkötter generally favours fixtures from the GLP catalogue. “I have been working with GLP for many years as they are a manufacturer who continually supplies me with new creative tools and is never afraid to respond to my sometimes very particular requirements. Working with Andreas Brandt is always a pleasant and totally constructive experience. That is why GLP is one of the few manufacturers with whom I am in constant contact.”
Nocturne Drone Shows were responsible for the drone show itself, while Technology Arts handled the overall production. The Berlin office of the ressourcenmangel agency was in charge of the strategic concept, creation and campaign management.
In addition to further information about the ‘Networks of Tomorrow’ campaign and its important contribution to the success of the energy transition, a video of the drone show can be seen on the campaign page: https://www.netze-fuer-morgen.de/drohnenshow-weltrekord/
More information on the GLP website