
Meyer Ultra Reflex Solution for Direct View Displays

Text: Meyer - Photos: Meyer & Adrian Tiemens
La toute nouvelle salle de projection et de mixage de Netflix à Los Angeles équipée d’Ultra Reflex.

Meyer Sound has introduced Ultra Reflex, a patent-pending solution for optimum reproduction of discrete screen channel audio on large-scale direct view video displays. The complete system for each screen channel comprises a high frequency component reflecting off the screen that is coupled seamlessly with a direct radiating low frequency component.

Le bon vieux temps avec un vidéo projecteur pour l’image et un écran trans-sonore pour permettre la reproduction du son.
Le procédé Ultra Reflex avec le « composant haute fréquence » dont l’émission est réfléchie par la surface de l’écran (en bleu) et les plus classiques renforts de grave et subs infra en radiation directe (en vert).

The patent-pending solution encompasses proprietary acoustical designs, DSP technologies and optimization techniques. The result is full bandwidth reproduction together with extremely low distortion, pinpoint directionality, and extraordinarily flat amplitude and phase response for tonal accuracy.

Un gros plan du « composant haute fréquence », en clair, l’enceinte en charge de la localisation d’un des L, C ou R au sein de l’image.

With Ultra Reflex, audiences throughout the viewing space experience accurate and stable sound localization, crisp dialog, high-fidelity music scores and powerful effects audio quality that ideally complements the newest image technologies.

Audio challenges have inhibited wider acceptance of larger direct view displays because, unlike with acoustically transmissive projection screens, loudspeakers cannot be located directly behind the visual image.
Placing screen channel loudspeakers around the display perimeter compromises uniformity of coverage, stability of image localization, and overall audio fidelity.

Miles Rogers

The innovative Ultra Reflex solution preserves the audio advantages of a behind-screen system while also improving breadth of coverage for a wider “sweet spot” in the viewing space.

“The introduction of direct view displays in the cinema industry created the need for a unique solution for LCR screen channels,” says Miles Rogers, Meyer Sound business development manager, cinema & content creation markets.
“Ultra Reflex is the culmination of prediction software, loudspeaker technologies, and the lifelong vision of John Meyer to create solutions for the most demanding audio professionals.”

For the initial launch period, the new Meyer Sound Ultra Reflex solution is paired with Sony’s Crystal LED. This synergetic arrangement allows early adopters to experience the ultimate in high-contrast, high resolution video complemented by leading-edge audio technology. The displays are installed and in use by leading companies and professionals across the world.

La dalle LED Sony Crystal de 518 x 274 cm ciblée par les 3 nouvelles enceintes Meyer visibles en haut de l’image et tirant dans sa direction.

Les plates-formes d’optimisation DSP GALAXY ™ 816 et les alimentations intelligentes MPS-488HP délivrant le signal audio et 48 V sur des câbles composites.

The first joint installation for the two technologies is at a reference-level screening room and lab on the Netflix campus in Los Angeles.
Designed to replicate both critical viewing and audio mixing as well as accommodate VIP screenings, the room features a 17’ wide by 9’ high HDR-capable 4K Crystal LED from Sony. Proprietary DSP for optimization is supplied by a GALAXY™ 816 Network Platform.

The innovative screen channels are part of a complete Dolby Atmos® system that has quickly recallable snapshots for theatrical or 9.1.6 home entertainment playback modes.
The balance of the system comprises a total of 37 self-powered Meyer Sound cinema loudspeakers, including HMS Series lateral and overhead surround loudspeakers bolstered by USW-210P™ subwoofers for surround bass management and X-400C™ cinema subwoofers with VLFC™ very low frequency control elements for bass management and LFE.

A short film to better understand how Ultra Reflex works:

Ultra Reflex Introduction from Meyer Sound on Vimeo.

More on the Meyer Sound website



