
Modulo Pi unveils KineMotion at ISE 2020

Text: Fabrice Gosnet - Photos: Fabrice Gosnet / Modulo Pi

At ISE 2020, Modulo Pi, French manufacturer of media server for audiovisual applications, unveiled its latest innovations, with interactivity and immersive experiences in mind.

On their stand, ModuloPi introduced KineMotion, its new optical tracking module for interactive installations. Basically, the system makes it possible to follow objects or artists on stage, to bring interaction between image, light, sound with moving objects or performers.


Le kit KineMotion, avec le logiciel, la baguette de calibration et le récepteur où viendront se brancher les balises. Les caméras OptiTrack sont à acheter séparément. @Modulo Pi

Available as an option for the Modulo Kinetic media server, the solution includes a software to install on the media server, beacons that will be installed on the object or the artist to track, as well as a calibration kit including a rod and a square. The user will be offered to use Optitrack optical cameras, compliant with the KineMotion solution and with other tracking solutions.

La démonstration comprenait un suivi temps réel du véhicule, avec mappage vidéo et générateur de contenu, ainsi que des vidéos lues en arrière-plan. Au premier plan, l’interface de démonstration créée via Modulo Kinetic.

The receiver allows you to connect up to 8 beacons, which allows to follow sceneries with complex shapes, or to offer high-precision tracking with a performer.

On peut voir ici deux caméras OptiTrack pour le suivi de la voiture, et l’un des vidéoprojecteurs utilisés pour le mappage vidéo. La caméra NDI servait à renvoyer le flux vidéo dans un autre serveur Modulo Kinetic de démonstration.

To demonstrate the power and responsiveness of the solution, Modulo Pi team created a show on their stand, consisting of a clever mix of real-time interactivity with KineMotion and display of pre-rendered contents via Modulo Kinetic.


At the same time, Modulo Pi introduced its new connection plug-in for the L-ISA immersive audio system from L-Acoustics. L-ISA is a solution offering 3D spatialization of sound effects, or other audio track, used during a concert or in an immersive audio installation.

The Modulo Kinetic media server can now connect with L-Acoutics software, the two solutions can interact bi-directionally, thereby creating accurate immersive audio-visual experiences.

KineMotion is L-ISA certified as well, and can therefore be fully integrated to freely use the objects tracking in the 3D soundscape. When mixed with Modulo Kinetic’s real-time generative content engine, and the L-ISA immersive audio solution, KineMotion offers a new range of tools for creative people in love with interaction and movement.

One of the main goals of this all-in-one solution is to reduce the latency by avoiding the positioning signals to pass through several processors or interfaces, thus bringing precision and increased responsiveness to the movement tracking. By limiting the number of required devices, Modulo Pi offers a simplified implementation, thereby reducing the overall cost of the system.

A demonstration of the tracking responsiveness and accuracy can be seen here

And more info on the Modulo Pi’s website


