The German firm Look Solutions, a specialist in effect machines, unveils a new powerful, robust, and innovative smoke generator. Its name “BOA” is in line with its fellow smokers with reptilian names (“Viper”, “Cobra” …) As for the 64, it designates its IP64 protection index.

The new BOA 64 is therefore a classic type smoke machine (by which I mean high output, using a water-based liquid and without an internal fan or turbine) of 1,800 W equipped with a brand new system of Quiet nozzle that significantly reduces smoke emission noise compared to other single orifice nozzles used up to now.
After a quick demonstration, it speaks for itself (or shall I say whispers), at high output setting (and it is!), the perceived noise is, by ear, approximately cut in half compared to another classic smoke machine of equivalent power!

The device, which is therefore protected from splashing water and suitable for outdoor use, has a system for detecting the presence of smoke fluid which cuts off the emission of smoke in the event of an empty tank to protect the pumps (because the BOA 64 has two).
The electronics of the device detect the changes in the temperature of the heating elements to know if the liquid is vaporized or if the pumps are running on empty.
The BOA 64 has a brand new intuitive touchscreen control interface allowing you to configure its DMX mode, use it manually, to have access to the timer or the operating hours counter. Note that it is equipped with RDM, 0/10V control, and an Ethercon RJ45 port.
In terms of operation, the BOA64, due to its large heating mechanism, requires 15 minutes before being available at full power, it can then operate continuously at 30% of its maximum flow rate, which is accessible for about one minute.
Its price is not yet known but it should be around 2,500 € HT (public price). It should be noted that the machine is entirely designed and manufactured in Germany except for the electronic PCBs which arrive from Asia without their components to be equipped and assembled at the German factory.