
Philips Lumileds launches Luxeon Lime LEDs

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Lime, the newest addition to the widely renowned Luxeon colour portfolio of LEDs from Philips Lumileds, enables lighting designers to take the next step in delivering the highest quality, tunable white light in bulbs and fixtures.

LUXEONLuxeon Rebel ES Lime is the proprietary LED technology in the revolutionary Philips hue bulb, where it combines with Luxeon Rebel Red-Orange and Rebel Royal Blue emitters to deliver over 16m colour options all controlled from an iOS device. Philips hue can use colour tunable Light Recipes to help set mood and energy level in the home, office, retail, classroom and hospital environments.

“This really represents a new frontier in lighting, because Luxeon Rebel ES Lime emitters can be combined with other Rebel colour and white emitters to achieve higher CRI and R9 combinations than any previous generation emitters or arrays,” said Rahul Bammi, VP of product management.

Lime is the highest efficacy Luxeon LED manufactured to date. Therefore it enables highly efficient colour mixing by providing a convenient above-blackbody colour point with optimal standalone efficiency of 200 lm/W at 350 mA and 85°C.

The spectral output of Lime is closely aligned with the wavelength that human eye cones are most sensitive to, 555 nm.”We are finding that all our customers are very interested in Lime due to the outstanding efficiency and flux it brings to every lighting application,” said Bammi.

In addition, the Lime technology is offered in the Luxeon Z format, an undomed, 2.2 mm2 LED that is 75% smaller than most high power LEDs.


