
Sound Tutorial Videos for CAL Column Array Loudspeaker and MAPP Online Pro

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This paper is available in Français too

To expand its training support for product users, Meyer Sound has released two new online tutorial videos, focusing on the use of the MAPP Online Pro® acoustical prediction program and the Compass® control software for the CAL™ column array loudspeakers.

These videos are available on the Meyer Sound website and on YouTube

The CAL tutorial shows how to use the Compass control software to set up and operate the CAL loudspeakers and control their beam steering and splitting capabilities. Viewers are given an overview of initial system configuration, input selection, preset selection, and parameter modification for creating new presets.

The MAPP Online Pro tutorial introduces users to the software’s main operating modes, and guides them through the basic features of the program, and its use in loudspeaker coverage prediction.


