
The collaboration between ETC and HOG pays off

Text & photos: Stéphane Mocret. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

A new development team for the Hog controllers range is now working in close collaboration with the ETC R&D department. The goal is not to create a lighting console (one more), but to keep both ranges while pooling their strong points.

The Gadget II and the ETCnomad are now compatible with the Hog 4 PC.
Depending on the version, you can use 2 or 12 DMX universes that you’ll then have to route to the DP outputs.

The first sign of this collaboration appears in the 3.12 version of the Hog4 software. It’s now fully compatible with the Gadget II and the ETCnomad. It is both a dongle and a USB box providing 2 or 12 DMX universes on the PC versions of Eos Family et Cobalt 4 softwares. The Hog 4 PC, at the beginning designed for a maximum of 8 DMX universes, has been modified. For the entry version, students benefit from a special low rate of 250 €.

With the V3.12 version, it is possible to import and export libraries in XML format.

The main new feature in 3.12 resides in a total refurbishing of the “Fixture builder” to create projectors libraries. In addition to greater ease creating a “Personality”, it is now possible to export in open XML format.
A database is available on the High End Website, allowing to share libraries and fast assistance between operators.

The types of projectors not vérified are tagged by a small “Robot” symbol.

You can now find libraries not tested by High End. In the “Fixture Scheduler” window, the types unchecked “fixtures” types is tagged with a “Robot” icon and a warning appear at the bottom of the page when you select this type of projector.
High End Systems recommends to undergo a test connecting this type of fixtures before beginning the programming step of a show. Most of the modifications or corrections can be done using the “Fixture Builder”.

In the Display tab of the Control Panel you can now customize the “Lock” window.

In this new version thanks to the addition of the “CITP Visualizer Stream” protocol, you’ll find a bridge to the Capture software, without having to install the “Hog Connectivity” driver.
This new feature seems to be the first step in a long term collaboration between the American developper and its Swedish fellow partner. To make the connection work, you’ll have to work with the 2019 version of Capture. It is now possible to customize the display when activating the “Lock” feature of the console.

Prolight+Sound 2019 was also the occasion to formalize the availability of the Hog 4 18.

The Hog 4 18 Hardware now available. You may notice the compatibility of the Hog 4 with the Capture software.

As a long time user of the WholeHog consoles myself since many years, I did appreciate ETC’s investment. It allows, among other major points, to put forward a lighting desk which did a lot to make the world of intelligent lighting go forward and evolve in the right way.
The renewal of the Hog has just begun and we should, on the next exhibitions here and there, enjoy a feast for the eyes!

More information on the High End Website and on the ETC Website.



