Marc Carolan has been Muse’s sound engineer for sixteen years. In Australia, JPJ Audio supplied their new d&b GSL System for the tour, the first time that Marc had used the System. “At the beginning of the world tour when we played in the round, we used a mixture of d&b J-Series and V-Series,” he said.
“So to use the GSL System was very exciting. Of course using something for the first time there’s always a sense of trepidation but with it being a d&b product, I was never really afraid. I had heard it before at a show and so I knew it was going to be good. I was happy to take the chance and I knew Bruce Johnston of JPJ Audio wouldn’t put me in a position where I was going to get shafted!”

Bearing in mind that the d&b J-Series has been developing constantly for over ten years, Marc was surprised that when he first listened to the GSL System, as well as hearing the potential of what it will become, the resolution and detail was incredible.
“I use a Midas XL4 along with a Midas Pro2 as a sidecar to handle all of my automation and perversely, the newer technology with the GSL has made the analogue console even more relevant because its superior audio characteristics come even more to the fore with this system,” added Marc.
“The low end control is incredible and the noise rejection out the back makes it a killer for any outdoor concerts. I really like that it doesn’t rely on huge amounts of DSP which, to my ear, colour the sound quite a lot and become fatiguing when things are really super processed.
“Sonically it’s a big step forward and what’s even more exciting is that it’s just at the beginning of what it’s going to be able to do.” The Sydney and Melbourne shows saw GSL on the main hangs, J-Series on the side and rear hangs and the new GSL subs on the floor. Marc remarked that because the main GSL speakers are so good at low end in the air, he didn’t need to fly any subs.
“We had quite a small deployment of subs on the floor compared to what we would usually expect to have to get that impact,” he added. “That’s another big plus with this system; it’s going to save a lot on points and weight in the roof. As people’s collective knowledge of the box develops, I think you’re going to see smaller arrays flying.”
More information on the d&b website