
The show MUST go on

This paper is available in Français too.

This paper is available in Français too

Writing our wishes for the new year is a wonderful exercise that we cherish each year just as much as hosting the old man with his flying reindeer.
But 2015 is an exception to this rule, as all our thoughts are still with the victims of barbarism and their families.

SoundLightUp Slide Voeux

But writing these New Year’s greetings is also – and above all – to wish you dreams, endless dreams, and the real possibility to transform them into reality; we have managed it with Soundlightup, and that was by no means guaranteed…

For this, we will talk even more about you, your ideas, your experiences, your companies, your equipment and try to bring you L’envie d’avoir envie, “the yearning to desire”, as Johnny Hallyday would sing to his fans. And there is so much need for artists and fans!
More than ever, we will be your companion in 2016. With eight feature stories, in-depth articles, exclusive interviews and product tests, plus more than 40 news items every month, we’ll keep you filled with information.
With SLU learning, finding work and selling equipment have never been so easy and enjoyable, and it all costs you nothing. Keep your money and use it to drink to our health.

And finally, since we wouldn’t want you to have to take our word for it, at SLU, our numbers are certified by the OJD – the French organization specialized in verifying and certifying the circulation of print and digital media. This year, thanks to you, we had a growth of almost three figures, with nearly 700,000 articles read. Thank you.

SoundLightUp Progression

Enough talk – dreams won’t wait. Happy 2016 from the entire editorial staff at Soundlightup: Audrey, Isabelle, Lydiane, Monique, Claude, Douglas, Jean-Pierre, Jocelyn, Ludo, Patrick, Sébastien, Stéphane, Tristan,

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