The french Grenoble born (and still based) brand Vokkero, whose communication systems are highly appreciated in the world of high-level professional sports, has adapted since last year its technology for the Live show industry with the Guardian Plus hands-free full duplex intercom system, and now aims to go worldwide with it.
From the R&D department of mother company Adeunis, specialized since in industrial IOT electronics, the brand Vokkero was created ten years ago to answer the requirements of a tender from FIFA, world’s soccer official organization. They wanted the best possible voice optimized hands-free, full duplex system in very noisy environments like soccer stadiums. Anyone who’s ever attended a First League match in an arena such as Camp Nou, Stade de France, Old Trafford, or the like, will understand.
This worldwide contract drove Vokkero to acquire a solid experience in the world of high performance professional sports, as they designed and manufactured since then the official system of communication of football referees of the whole world.
The Guardian Plus, specially derived from the sports’models, allows any user to create in seconds a permanent intercom system, with clear and intelligible communication.
After the successful French launch of the new version of the Guardian Plus, Vokkero Business Development Manager Jérôme Henry is now looking for more distributors worldwide, and will be presenting the whole range at next edition of Prolight & Sound in Frankfurt from April 2nd-5th on their booth Hall 8, G80.
Sync at a glance
The charging base, with a clearly visible button, can synchronize at once 4 belt devices on the same frequency, thus ensuring increased safety and productivity for work teams. For larger teams, extensions (of three devices each time) allow sync on more beltpacks still, since there is no limit of the number of simultaneous users.
Another strong point is the existence of many accessories, including a 4-wire adapter for already existing wired systems, to oneself from any wire connection with the resident installation, but without changing it.
The patented integrated Vokkero noise filter gives clarity and intelligibility to the system and is the key of its intelligibility, with a bandwidth of 16 kHz. This digital audio filtering with intelligent noise suppression of the noisy work environment takes account of the very fast changing noise surroundings of concerts or live entertainment events.
The small downside that this system generated, was that by its effective analysis of the signal before any return of speech transmitted, a minor latency was created, hardly audible, but Vokkero claims to have reduced it even more.
The long range in free field (interesting for festivals, “Son et Lumiere” installations, etc.) can reach 1.2 km, but remains very variable for indoor use depending on the types of walls, buildings, etc. It is obviously much easier to transmit through windows or plaster walls than through reinforced concrete walls with metal rods inside.
The battery life of the rechargeable battery is long enough for most applications, up to twelve hours. Design, final assembly and QC are all made in Grenoble, in the French Alps.
More info on the Vokkero website.
Distribution requests should be directly sent to [email protected]