Addio Sergio

Text and photos: Nexo

Sergio started working as the exclusive distributor for NEXO in Italy in 1982, just three years after the company was founded, and he quickly became a key player in the young loudspeaker manufacturing business.
A former front-of-house engineer who discovered he preferred the commercial environment of equipment sales, he was able to bring real-world influence to his collaborations with NEXO’s charismatic technical director Eric Vincenot.

In 2002, he moved into a full-time role managing sales in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Albania. One of his first dealership appointments for NEXO Italy was Audio Rent, the rental and sales company run by his great friend Gianni Fantini.
“I’ve known Sergio for 40 years, and he never changed: in all that time, he never grew up! He was always smiling, always joking, always in love with the audio world. Working with Sergio was never boring; he was full of funny and strange stories.
Here in Italy, he was known as ‘esagerato’ (exaggerated, extreme), which tells you everything about his personality. As a business colleague, he was always in touch with the news around our world, and he was always available to us. I’m fairly sure he could sell sand in the desert!”

As one of the four subsidiary sales managers, Sergio played a key role in the NEXO team. With his peerless contacts in the Italian production community, he was equally at home with the once-extensive nightclub world of the Adriatic Coast and with the glamorous large-format concert and TV productions of Rome and Milan.

“Sergio had a special combination of technical expertise and people skills,” says Gareth Collyer, NEXO’s Sales and Marketing Director. “He was one of the most experienced members of the sales team, but his passing affects us all more than professionally; he was a valued friend and one of the true characters in our industry.”

More on the Nexo website