With the v2.0, L-Acoustics releases a significant update for its L-ISA Immersive Hyperreal Sound technology that will enable users to monitor the positioning of any tracked object in a 3D view. 4 tracking technologies will also function within the L-ISA ecosystem.
Coming into the new year, L-Acoustics is pleased to reveal the January release of a significant software update for its L-ISA Immersive Hyperreal Sound technology that will enable users to monitor the positioning of any tracked object in a 3D view. With L-ISA Controller version 2.0, source parameters—including Pan, Width, Distance, and Elevation—can be mapped and scaled to all certified tracking systems.

Speaking of which, in tandem with the L-ISA v2.0 update, L-Acoustics announces that it has officially collaborated with four tracking software providers whose technologies can now function within the L-ISA ecosystem.
These include Modulo Pi’s Modulo Kinetic, TTA’s Stagetracker II, Robert Juliat’s SpotMe and CAST Software’s BlackTrax Tracking Solutions.
“After delighting millions of spectators on thousands of shows around the world, L-ISA is the live event production industry’s most realistic, robust, and frequently used immersive audio solution,” notes Executive Director, Creative Technologies Guillaume Le Nost. “With our latest software and recent tracking system partnerships, the incredibly natural audio reproduction of L-ISA, paired with the smooth and precise real-time tracking of visual elements on stage is guaranteed to raise the Hyperreal Sound bar even further for our audiences.”
New features include the ability to have Real-Time Tracking Protocol positioning data output format (RTTrPM) converted to Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol in the L-ISA OSC Bridge, as well as the addition of having advanced parametric options within the L-ISA Trackers settings page.

Robert Juliat’s Spot Me is a manual, user-friendly 3D tracking device relying on a followspot operator. With a fast and easy set-up, SpotMe is able to produce tracking information in real-time with no emitters or cameras.
Integrating PosiStageNet (PSN) positioning data output format, PSN is easily converted to OSC in the L-ISA OSC Bridge.

Previously compatible with L-ISA’s earlier software, BlackTrax is a camera-based 2D and 6D tracking system that now offers improved integration within v2.0’s infrastructure.

Designed by Modulo Pi, Modulo Kinetic is a high-end fully integrated media server solution. The new v3.3 of Modulo Kinetic includes full integration of L-ISA, enabling real-time interactions between video and spatial audio.
The spatial audio system is now included in Modulo Kinetic’s extensive library of preloaded devices, allowing bidirectional interactions between Modulo Kinetic and L-ISA. In addition, KineMotion, the tracking module within Modulo Kinetic, becomes a certified tracking system for L-ISA.

Conversely, Stagetracker II is a radio frequency-based 3D tracking system for audio, video, and lighting that natively uses the OSC communication protocol and supports PSN.
Offering an intuitive L-ISA setup page within its software user interface, Stagetracker II can be reliably used in any environment—indoor or outdoor—and RF tags can be conveniently hidden underneath costumes and clothing.
For more details on L-ISA Controller software v2.0 and its related tracking system partner collaborations, visit L-ISA Immersive website