
Sennheiser is back to the Fira Barcelona for ISE 2023!

Text: Sennheiser - Photos: Sennheiser, Fira Barcelona, SLU

Sennheiser will be present at ISE 2023 in Barcelona, Hall 3, booth 3C600 to showcase its market-leading products for touchless audio and digital wireless technology, as well as its traditional solutions, on display and in real-world demo rooms.

The TeamConnect Family Grows

This year we’ll be launching two new audio solutions at the show, including the newest member of our TeamConnect conferencing family. The newest family member will be on full display at ISE and featured in one of our live demo rooms, so that ISE attendees can experience the newest conferencing innovation from Sennheiser firsthand.

Le TCC2 en livrée noire et blanche.

Our other demo room will feature the TeamConnect Ceiling 2 (TCC2), which remained available to customers within reasonable shipping timelines throughout 2022; a status that continues to present date.

The TCC2, with its patented automatic dynamic beamforming technology, continues to be the leader in conference room audio technology.

With TruVoicelift and advanced zone control, TCC2 combines the advantages of a boundary microphone and a microphone array. Therefore, it is the best solution for both (video) conferencing and in-room audio, for example in classrooms, lecture halls and boardrooms.
Come and experience the interlocutor reliability and clear sound for yourself by visiting our demo rooms. You’ll also have the opportunity to speak to our product specialists onsite to hear how our solutions will work for you.

Assistive Listening and Beyond

MobileConnect delivers true inclusion for modern assistive listening using your own smartphone. At ISE this year, we are delighted to be launching an exciting new feature for MobileConnect that takes it beyond just assistive listening.

Mobile Connect. Une toute petite boîte pour une somme de possibilités.

Everyone deserves to have the tools for success and a variety of organizations like universities, large corporate meeting rooms or conference venues have MobileConnect in their toolkit. It allows you to fade out all unwanted distractions in noisy, crowded environments, simply put on your headphones and listen to the moderator.

It also includes hassle-free interpretation and multiple streaming channels for live translations -making it a truly inclusive solution for all situations. Come by our stand and be one of the first people to experience a whole new application for MobileConnect!

Premium Audio for Speech & Lectures

Our presentation solutions fit all demands and room scenarios. They offer a high degree of flexibility and ease-of-use. After all, you must be able to focus on the essential: your message.

L’émetteur main SKM, un brique du système sans fin numérique de dernière génération EW-DX.

Since our solutions are optimized for speech applications, they guarantee superior speech intelligibility and reliability even when in constant use.
Our extensive portfolio of microphone solutions offers flexibility, scalability, and reliability for any size room. Visit our booth and discover audio solutions that are perfect for presentations; from Speechline Digital Wireless and Digital 6000 to our recently released EW-DX.

Strong Partnerships = Freedom of Choice

Through our network of global partnerships, we offer you the freedom and flexibility to design your own ecosystem without restrictions. Our audibly better and innovative solutions can not only be found at our ISE stand, but as part of some of our partners as well. The booths of Bose, Cannon, Creston, Kramer, Q-SYS and Xilica will all feature our solutions as part of their displays and demos.

Excited to See You!

We can think of now better way to kick off the new year than to spend time with all of you at ISE. Whether you’re a partner, end customer, integrator, journalist, peer company or just someone interested in the latest and greatest in audio technology, we look forward to seeing you at our stand (booth 3C600) in Hall 3 of the Fira Barcelona.

Sennheiser booth 3C600 in Hall 3

To get more, visit the Sennheiser website



