Ayrton Diablo brings technology up to date at Theater De Maagd in The Netherlands
Theater De Maagd, a converted church-turned-theatre in Bergen op Zoom in The Netherlands, has recently undergone technical modernization, part of which included transitioning from halogen to LED lighting. Ampco-Flashlight Sales, recommended Ayrton Diablo TC, as a versatile and advanced LED fixture.
Lighting Jedermann in Salzburg
Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Medieval morality play Jedermann has become a legendary and classic centrepiece of the world-renowned Salzburg Festival. First performed in 1920 – directed by Max Reinhardt – when the festival was inaugurated, it has been staged most years since then in the city’s magnificent Domplatz (Cathedral Square).
Rogues Get Ferocious at Furia Latina
Jim Lo-A-Njoe, wanted to create looks that would blow through the stage with the ferocity of a sudden storm. He got the intensity by building his rig around 78 high-output Rogue moving fixtures from Chauvet.