Allen & Heath is now shipping the hotly anticipated Dante card for its SQ series. SQ is the first compact mixer to provide a full 64×64 channel, 96 kHz interface to a Dante network.
Any SQ mixer fitted with the SQ Dante card can seamlessly connect to 96kHz amplifiers, interfaces and other devices on a Dante network, without unnecessary sample rate conversion or added latency.

In addition to facilitating system integration, the new card enables digital splits and affordable multitrack recording direct to a computer, making it a powerful addition to SQ systems in live, installation and recording applications.
The SQ Dante card can also be switched to 48kHz to accommodate existing Dante networks and is Dante Domain Manager ready.
“Finally! We’re delighted to make the SQ Dante card available to the many, many SQ customers who’ve been waiting patiently for this release,” commented SQ Product Manager, Keith Johnson.

“Our R&D team has been working with the good folks at Audinate on a custom implementation of Dante HC to deliver a high channel count, 96 kHz solution that takes full advantage of SQ’s XCVI FPGA core.
Sometimes breaking new ground takes a little longer than taking the easy option – but we’re confident that the results are well worth it.”
More on the Allen & Heath website