Once again brilliantly backed by the colourful light-show designed by Stéphane Migné, Ayrton was putting an emphasis on their complete Spot and Wash moving head luminaires range.
The units taking part in the show are the champions of a certain lighting quality, as well as the flagships of an almost futuristic design, new Ayrton credo since the launch of its Profile and Wash Luminaire series, with Ghibli heading the game.

After last autumn launch of its two spearheads, the Khamsin Profile and the Bora Hybrid Wash, two newbies now complement this windy series, in more compact versions, the Diablo and Levante.
We also enjoyed a preview of a monster of power and precision named Huracán-X, with a light output exceeding new records, and the first Ayrton IP65 Profile, the Perseo-S. Both will be reviewed here very soon.
AYRTON – Prolight+Sound 2019 from Ayrton on Vimeo.
Diablo et Levante
Complementing the Merak and Mistral, the Diablo and Levante are their more compact variations, 300 watts LED engine and 22 kg versions of Khamsin and Bora. Both are available in two different LED modules, “S” and “TC”. That gives 4 different models, all looking exactly the same from the outside.
The “S” versions have a LED engine of 300 W providing 26,500 lumens @ 8000K, and delivering an output of a little less than 20,000 lumens @ 6500K with a CRI of 70+. Fitted with the “TC” LED module, they give 20,500 lumens @ 7000K at start and 14,000 lumens output @ 5700K, but with a CRI of 90.
The “TC” models are therefore designed for precise and demanding applications, such as TV sets or Operas, whereas the extra power boost of the “S” versions would comply very well with the requirements of events and concerts.
These two units, very complementary indeed, are full of rich effects and equipped with an impressive optical system, comprising no less than 13 lenses.

The Diablo is a Profile equipped with a 7 HD glass rotating gobos wheel, the “sparkle” effect of the twinkling LED module, a 5-facet prism, an iris, an animation wheel, a framing module with 4 totally inserting blades, a Frost, a CMY color mixing, a variable CTO and a wheel of 7 complementary colors. Its wide zoom range, from 6.7° to 53°, delivers a nice beam through its 119 mm diameter frontal lens.
The Levante Wash Beam also boards 7 rotating gobos wheel, more basic but very efficient, the “sparkle” effect, an iris, 4 internal blades with full excursion, a linear Frost, and the same color generation system. What’s specific to the Levante is a clear 138 mm diameter frontal lens, clearly showing its Wash and Beam hybrid ambitions. Its zoom has a larger range as well, from 6.3° to 58°.
Both use the advanced liquid phase changes and linear heatsink cooling technology, which guarantees a maximum efficiency and a silent cooling. They are DMX-RDM compatible, and Lumen Radio compatible as well with their integrated wireless receiver.
Their production has started already, to manage the first orders already taken from all Ayrton distributors worldwide.
More information on the Ayrton Website.