
CLF Apollo lifts off at JTSE 2018 with LEDBAR Pro

Text : Bruno P. Souchaud, photos : Monique Cussigh.

On a compact, yet very friendly booth, Benoît Israël’s Eclalux team were happy to introduce to some thousands top-notch french professional visitors two new products from Dutch entertainment lighting industry leader CLF Lighting.
JTSE was as crammed as ever, being the only professional exhibition in France since a few years now, a mix between ABTT and PLASA to compare it with UK exhibitions : a lot of theatre/conference halls visitors, quite a lot of rental/service companies as well, and a smaller yet increasing part of installers/integrators over the years.
Considering the wide scope of professionals, it made sense to CLF French distributor Eclalux to show decorative lighting items as well as stage lighting projectors.

Eye-candy triple effect

First, let’s get high in the sky with exclusive “triple effect” Apollo, designed for TV sets (on its tripod stand for talk-shows or else) or upstage “eye-candy” effect with concentric independent or combined rings of variable hues and saturated colors, at will.
The center tungsten-like warm white / amber LED effect is surrounded by 8 RGB segments which illuminate the iconic golden inside reflector. Then, as a third combined/mixable effect, around the parabolic reflector, 8 individual RGB segments can provide even more mixed creative chromatic moods.

CLF Lighting Apollo on Eclalux booth at JTSE 2018 exhibition.

As a brilliant on its very own combination of vintage tungsten look with bright and colorful LED animation effects, this Apollo model can fly you to the moon indeed, either with basic control or total “matrix” addressing, depending on your DMX light tools ahead …

From 2 to 64 (!) channels, pre-programmed macros of pixel effects can create easily very satisfying and versatile shows, but the 6 (!) different DMX modes bring you precise extensive control of all different LED segments, if needed.
Overall construction is fine and looks sturdy enough, but bear in mind that a well padded flight-case will be more than necessary to keep it neatly in nice-looking shape, as usual with decorative items.

LEDBAR Pro, designed for Pros indeed

The very latest CLF LED batten boasts several strong points in a very compact linear package.

CLF Lighting LEDBAR Pro on Eclalux booth at JTSE 2018 exhibition.

What I found very interesting, as usual with all CLF Lighting products (the R&D team did grow up in the beautiful world of rental indeed !), is:

  • the quality and feeling of ruggedness given by the multifunctional rigging system;
  • IP65 rating with chassis plugs, allowing for indoor use with standard cables;
  • 10 x 20 W RGBW LEDs with nice smooth reflector color mixing, individually controllable LEDs (or global colors);
  • The chosen 24° angle and output dimension of each reflector can help you either for wall-wash or pixel-by-pixel purposes, depending on your needs or stage lighting design;
  • 5 different dimming curves and flicker-free smooth color mixes;
  • Comprehensive choice of control protocols: Artnet & sACN, and RDM.

More information on the APOLLO and on the LEDBAR Pro



