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The musicians were complaining about the heat, especially in summertime! Originally lit by 49 duo PAR 500 W, the Liebermann hall, reserved for rehearsals of the orchestra at the Opera Bastille ( Paris ) did not provide comfortable temperature conditions to the virtuosos nor their instruments.
Didier Paillet , head of the Bastille lighting department chose LED projectors to replace the original system . Now, the musicians can rehearse in the light of 49 GDS ArcSystem 8Cell projectors : cool in many ways!
We toured the facility, along with Didier Paillet and Nicolas Dacanal (maintenance manager).
The Liebermann hall created by Hugues Gall

Didier Paillet : “Originally at the Bastille Opera house, the orchestra rehearsed in the pit or in the Gounod hall, there was always a conflict between musicians and technicians until Hugues Gall , director of the Opera Bastille from 1995 to 2004 , decided to offer them the Liebermann hall 10 years ago . “
With a great acoustic, seating for the choir, a large orchestra pit and 9 meters high fly-bars, the Liebermann hall is comfortable … except in the summer because of the air conditioning inefficiencies and the PARcans getting very hot as everyone knows.

Didier Paillet : With Nico ( Nicolas Dacanal , Head of Maintenance) we started by installing a timer set to turn off the power at midnight, because the musicians knows how to turn the light on but often forget to switch it off . At least, the room temperature at night fell but we still had complaints.
As changing the aircon was not possible, I suggested replacing halogen spotlights with LED projectors as they are now able to provide a sufficient level of illumination.