Ayrton is delighted to welcome Linnea Ljungmark as the latest addition to its expanding international sales team. Based in Sweden, Linnea will be responsible for Ayrton across the whole of Scandanavia, the Baltic and Benelux countries and the Iberian peninsula.

Linnea brings to Ayrton a lifetime of experience in the industry, having spent the majority of her working life at Intersonic AB, the family-run distribution company founded by her father Per Olof Jlungmark in 1997.
Ayrton: family business.
“I’ve worked with my father for as long as can remember, first in the office and at local trade shows, and later as general manager of the newly acquired lighting distribution company, One Two Sales,” Linnea says.

During this time Linnea gained in-depth experience in the Scandinavian market and a long association with Ayrton through Intersonic’s distribution of the brand. “I have fond memories of Valère Huard with whom I worked closely and who typified Ayrton’s approach to business,” she says.
“To join Ayrton is a dream come true because the company has everything I love: well organized, good management, high quality products and a very interesting marketing position – on the way to the top whilst remaining down to earth and ‘rock n roll’ at the same time.
“We are delighted Linnea has joined our international sales team,” says Michael Althaus, Ayrton’s Global Sales Director. “This is a time of rapid growth and increased activity for Ayrton and Linnea is a very welcome addition to the team. Her expertise, energy and enthusiasm will be invaluable asset to Ayrton’s adventure going forward and we are excited to welcome her on board.”

“Ayrton has always had a great team, and there is fantastic company culture of employing people from all around the globe. Ayrton is a multicultural, very modern, international company on a very interesting path.
I wanted to join a manufacturer that was truly international, and it is the energy in the company, the quality of the products, and the capacity of R&D and production that made me want to join Ayrton”, adds Ljungmark.
“With the new range of high capacity workhorse fixtures, we are a real game changer and these are exciting times for sure. I believe Ayrton is the coolest and best lighting brand there is today!”
More info on Ayrton Website.