
Ludovic Monchat is appointed Editor-in-Chief of Soundlightup

Under the pseudonym Ludovic Monchat, he has been signing articles about audio in the technical press for more than 20 years. Under his name Jean-Luc Emanuele, he is co-founder of SLU and President of Art&Show s.a.s., the company that owns SoundLightUp.
Jean-Luc “Ludo” Emanuele Monchat has an immeasurable passion for audio, a lively editorial style with a touch of cheekiness, and two excellent and analytical ears. He is prying and critical, straightforward and incorrigibly human.

Photomontage made without digital manipulation and without the consent of the subjects: Stéphane Plisson on the right, Maxime Ménelec in the center and Ludo on the left.

It was with very great respect for all of his qualities that we, his associates – namely Claude Ducros, Monique Cussigh and Jean-Pierre Landragin – proposed to him to assume the role(s) of editor-in-chief of SoundLightUp, as he is now able to devote all his time to SLU…
And he accepted. Hallelujah! He can count on us and our support well into the future, as we could never easily leave behind such a great human and professional experience – but we are delighted to hand him the reins.
SLU will become stronger and even more dynamic!



