On March 3, the Italian pop-rock band The Kolors gave an unforgettable performance at the Forum d’Assago in Milan before announcing their new international tour which will touch, in addition to Italy, countries including Switzerland, Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Slovenia, and Belgium.
The lighting for the concert was designed by Francesco De Cave who chose 120 Ayrton Cobra laser-sourced fixtures for the event, supplied by the Italian service company, Agorà.

Cobra features a native contrast never before achieved by a digital light source, an incredible 0.6° beam angle, and an extreme focus range that allows the shape of the beam to be adjusted to suit operation at any distance XT -Focus™.
“I have already used Ayrton fixtures for many tours and programmes: Eurus, Domino, Perseo, Cobra etc…” states lighting designer, De Cave. “This time I chose Cobra as the special feature in the lighting design precisely because of its double value as both beam and spot.
“The concept of the project originated in a circular design that entirely enveloped the band, an embrace of light that perfectly suited the band’s musical genre – electronic music but with an ‘80s touch.
“The main element of the scenography was a mirror ball from which the band then emerged. There I concentrated around 70 Cobras in a circular manner to create an embrace of light that blended perfectly with the music and energy of the concert,” continues LD De Cave.
“The beam function allowed me to create this enveloping sunburst effect while the spot guaranteed a powerful light output which enhanced the band’s stage presence and allowed me to use the cobras throughout the concert.” The lighting effects produced amplified the emotional impact of the show.
“Ayrton’s Cobras offer a lot of possibilities, especially with their speed of movement and zoom capability,” concludes De Cave. “I had used them previously during Laura Pausini’s tour, and thanks to their zoom I was able to recreate the effect of the crowd’s applause by narrowing and widening the beam in time.”
The choice of Ayrton proved to be a winning one, confirming the versatility and high performance of these fixtures.
For more information on Cobra and Ayrton’s full range of LED and laser sourced lighting solutions, you can visit www.ayrton.eu
Ayrton is distributed exclusively in Italy by Molpass. For information on Molpass visit www.molpass.it
Instagram: @francescodecave
Sito web: www.francescodecave.it
Service Company: Agorà