With each new product, we say to ourselves that Ayrton has reached the limits of what's possible, and a few months later, the team unveils a brand new product that proves the opposite. But here it must be said that they have done very, very, very well by offering a versatile and tailor-made fixture for service providers. It wins an SLU innovation award!

With the Rivale, Yvan Péard and his team have managed to combine More with Less. If we compare it to the Ghibli, it produces more flow with a high-efficiency LED source that consumes 30% less, an ultra-wide zoom, and a magnificent beam. It is smaller and lighter (28 kg) but offers an ultra-complete range of functions because it is optimized.

The icing on the cake is that it is rated IP65 and benefits from a continuous pan and tilt. Since its launch in November, Ayrton has already delivered 5,000 units and new orders are coming in every day. Needless to say, we couldn't wait to test it!

Strength and voluptuousness, one look and you know that Ayrton is in the place!


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