
Gaggione, shaping your light

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Texte: Monique Cussigh. Photos : Daniel Gilet & Monique Cussigh

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Français too

Les collimateurs Gaggione

Gaggione, optician, French plastics manufacturer, specialised in producing high quality optics associated with LEDs, is one of the world’s top three companies in the sector, if not the very best, thanks to over half a century’s experience in plastics manufacturing, its staff and its R&D tool resources.

It has a long history of working with Ayrton, thanks to which we have obtained exceptional permission to meet engineers and visit the plant.
And we can measure just how many factors might not only degrade dispersion, but also flow and color mixing throughout the collimator design and manufacturing process.

Let’s head for Plastic Vallée in the Ain administrative department along with Yvan Peard, Ayrton director, where we are met by David Veryser, sales director of the optics division.

Our aim is to find out more about the company that often, if not systematically, remains in its customers’ shadow, like a closely guarded secret, with the exception of Ayrton with whom they have formed a reliable partnership over time, based on trust.
Subsequently we’ll visit the plant and take photos under close surveillance because, in 60 years of plastics manufacturing experience, manufacturing secrets have to be kept under lock and key.
A little history lesson to start with:

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