This paper is available in Français too
It is with profound dismay, mingled with anger, disgust, sadness, and an almost unreal feeling of horror that we are living through the events of November the 13th.This particularly affects those of us in show business, and even a little more those who know the team at the Bataclan well.
That day, even before we could conceive the profound changes these attacks were going to cause in the lives of each of us in this society, we trembled for our families, for the victims, for our colleagues, our friends.
At the same time we were reassured to know that some had escaped the worst, there were also long hours during which we sought to hear from those who were missing and who had not yet responded to our concerned messages. And, unfortunately, our worst fears turned out to be true…

Among the chaos and all the confusion that left room only for the urgency of the living, was Nathalie Jardin, shot by fanatical terrorists inside the Bataclan. This lovely young woman of 31, from near Lille, had been the resident lighting designer and tech at the Bataclan since 2011.
She was known to all of us who have been wonderfully welcomed during our stops at this legendary venue.
Not satisfied with being only a remarkably dynamic and effective professional, she was also sparkling, friendly, kind, helpful, sincere, attentive and close to her colleagues.
All those who have worked with her have taken away with them beautiful memories, if not profound friendship. This is my case.
In addition to her regular presence at the Bataclan, her passion for the profession of show lighting and for music also brought her to handle the lighting for many concerts and festivals in the Northern Region and in Pas-de-Calais, where she was also particularly well known, but also took her on tour with bands like Marcel et son Orchestre and Les Fatals Picards.
Anger and infinite sadness, injustice…
We at SoundLightUp would like to pay homage to her today, expressing our condolences to her family and loved ones, as well as to all the other victims of the barbarism of that sad Friday, November 13.
Goodbye Nath…
Jocelyn Morel
This topic will remain open to those who wish to leave a tribute : [email protected]