
SLU turns three and all its teeth have come in…

This paper is available in Français too.

This paper is available in Français too

Teeth for returning the smiles that welcomed us at all stands in Frankfurt, teeth for chewing up the pages of content that we prepare for you daily and, finally, the teeth to nip at human foolishness when it crosses the line. Your industry journal is now a three-year-old toddler, with all its teeth.

Anniversaire SLU 3-ans

It seems that nothing is free in this world – there ain’t no free lunch, as they say – yet Soundlightup doesn’t ask a penny for all the content it gives you every day.

Our little web magazine scampers on free, independent and 100% owned by its editors. There have been no miracles at SLU – nothing but the fruit of our hard work, passion, and the recognition of the sponsors convinced by our business model and by our steadily rising readership,which is certified by the ODJ (the French organization specialized in verifying and certifying the circulation of print and digital media). Just in the first four months of 2015, we have had 67% more visitors than in 2014.

More reactive, inventive and dedicated than ever, we attack our fourth year with the intention of serving you even better and of shining a thousand lights on our industry and our technicians, to the edges of Europe and beyond.
Wherever there is sound to create emotion or where lights and video become one, we will be there to report it. On Soundlightup you will find news, exclusives, the best product tests, event coverage, job offers and secondhand gear at the click of a mouse, whenever you want and wherever you happen to be.
We would tell you all that we are preparing for you – new sections, new services, new contributors – but it would take too long, so the easiest way is to surprise you.

So, in the immortal words of Jacques Higelin… “Champagne!!”



