Robert Juliat ‘s Merlin 2.5 kilowatt HMI followspot for touring
At its world premiere at Plasa, Merlin showed off unique features that put it ahead of the pack and that will enchant an entire population of rental suppliers and followspot operators: a zoom ratio of 4:1, a reinforced frame, a cooling fan and, on top of that, it talks...
Clay Paky Mythos, more than a million… lux, that is!
Clay Paky leads its competitors at a cracking pace. Six months after the Super Sharpy was presented at Prolight+Sound, topping the headlines from Plasa is Mythos, a compact spot with a power consumption of only 500 W and an incredible punch, like the Super Sharpy. Soundlightup was invited to a preview presentation of the Beta version by Clay Paky France before Plasa, and we had time to get out our Minolta lux meter and perform some flux measurements.
Shure introduces the PSM300
Shure announced the addition of the PSM300 Stereo Personal Monitor Systems to their existing line of In-Ear Monitoring (IEM) technology. PSM®300 introduces the clarity and precision of stereo, 24-bit digital audio processing to the PSM line, while still offering users the customised mix control for which PSM systems are renowned.
Elation TVL 3000 for Abbey of Saint Wandrille, France
It’s not often that an institution over 13 centuries old receives a lighting upgrade but such is the case with the Abbey of Saint Wandrille in Normandy, France, a Benedictine monastery founded in the year 648 that has installed Elation TVL 3000 II dynamic white light LED luminaires in the Abbey’s church.
Ayrton Launches MagicRing-R1™ at PLASA London
Ayrton has just announced the MagicRing-R™, a new addition to its Radical Series which offers seven 15W LED RGBW sources and the continuous pan and tilt. It will receive its world premiere at PLASA London.
Robert Juliat Unveils New Followspot
Robert Juliat will exhibit at PLASA 2014 with its exclusive UK distributor, Ambersphere Solutions, where a new Robert Juliat followspot will be unveiled. Rumours of a new product from these masters of followspot design have been permeating the industry over the last few months.
RCF is showing its teeth
RCF strengthens its efforts in preventing manufacturers to use copies of RCF transducers. The RCF reputation of good quality and reliable products is at risk due to the widespread copies of our transducers.
LumenRadio and ACME in CRMXchip partnership
This September LumenRadio adds ACME to their growing CRMXchip family. ACME, one of the largest enterprises known worldwide for its specialization in the field of lighting, will now include CRMXchip as a standard feature for their existing and future professional product line.
Germany’s Rock’N’heim festival satis&fyed with Nexo STM
The first major outing for satis&fy‘s new NEXO STM modular line array system was the Rock’n’Heim rock festival at the Hockenheimring motorsports racetrack. It was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate STM’s unrivalled sound quality and coverage to a 27,000-strong crowd watching a diverse line-up on the Revolution stage, including Outkast, DeadMau5, Jan Delay, Die Fantastischen Vier, Pretty Lights, Die Antwoord and Parov Stelar Band.
Ayrton appoint Ambersphere Solutions
Ambersphere Solutions have been appointed the exclusive UK distributor for the Ayrton range of LED Luminaires and creative LED imaging solutions. The appointment enables Ambersphere Solutions to extend its unique sales, service, support and training facilities to cover Ayrton products in the UK.
Sadler’s Well Pleased with Robert Juliat
The current building was opened in 1998 and the majority of the lighting stock is now sixteen years old. The Technical Manager Christian Wallace freely admits that, despite sustaining a rigorous maintenance programme, it was time to explore the newer, more advanced fixtures now on the market...
Elation Sniper™ Debuts on A Day to Remember U.S. Tour
LD Steve Stemac puts new, one-of-a-kind effect light and laser simulator through its paces on rockers’ latest outing Elation Professional’s new high-energy Sniper multi-effect light and laser simulator, which launched recently at the PRO trade show in England, is enjoying its touring debut with the lightind Designer Steve Stemac on American rock band A Day to Remember’s (ADTR) “Parks & Devastation” U.S. tour with lighting design by Steve “Cowboy” Stemac.
SGM G-SPOT hands down Ice Bucket Challenge to competitors
In the spirit of the current Ice Bucket Challenge craze that has swept the world, SGM has handed down a challenge to its closest competitors to submit their automated lighting fixtures to the ultimate ‘soak test’ — all in aid of charity. They have invited Martin Professional, Clay Paky and Vari-Lite to participate alongside their own G-Spot, the world’s first waterproof moving head.
Bright! light the Rock in Rio main stage façade with 120 impression X4 GLP
When the famous Rock in Rio returned to Lisbon (Portugal) this summer, and crowds of up to 350,000 swarmed to the Parque da Bela Vista, they zeroed in on the main Palco Mundo stage, the façade of which was spectacularly lit by 120 GLP impression X4 LED heads.
XL Video Supplies 2200 Square Metres of LED screen to Creamfields
XL Video continued its record breaking summer streak supplying over 2000 square metres of LED screen plus control and crew across eight stages and arenas at the UK’s biggest and highest profile EDM event, Creamfields, staged on Daresbusy Estate near Warrington over the August Bank holiday weekend.