Version 2 chooses MDG ATMe haze for television
Version 2, which specialises in lighting hire specifically for the television industry, has expanded its stock of MDG products with the addition of two ATMe haze generators.
Adamson introduces IS-Series Weatherized loudspeakers
Adamson Systems Engineering officially announces the IS-Series Weatherized line, purpose-built to withstand the most extreme climates in the world and a suite of improved and updated design tools for architects, integrators, and sound designers.
Avolites controls the timelines with Titan v15
After a first series of beta tests then an Open Beta Version, the Titan v15 Avolites is available for download in a Release version with the eagerly awaited Timeline feature set.
480 xtylos on the eurovision stage
In the Eurovision Song Contest stage, Claypaky will be represented by 481 Laser-Source Xtylos, their super-focused beam being essential to the lighting design of Henk Jan van Beek.
Denton Bible Church Network with Optocore AutoRouter
The Denton Bible Church in Dallas installed a new DiGiCo Quantum338 for FOH and monitor and a SD12 for broadcast on an Optocore Fiber network, at the heart of which is one of Optocore’s new AutoRouters.
Meyer Sound Continues Excellence at Calgary Theatre
The Jack Singer Concert Hall, the largest in Calgary, has installed a new and highly flexible “hybrid” Meyer Sound reinforcement system. It replaces a venerable Meyer system based on the same concept that had contributed to his success for more than 16 year.
Ayrton at Eurovision Song Contest 2021
Ayrton is delighted! Huracán-X, Karif, and MiniPanel-FX will form a major part of the Henk-Jan van Beek’s lighting design this year which takes place at the Ahoy Arena, Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
L-ISA Studio, Create Spatial Audio Anytime, Anywhere
L-Acoustics breaks new boundaries with a revamped, innovative approach to the workflow of spatial audio content creation with the new L-ISA Studio software suite and upgraded L-ISA engine.
ETC Rent goes ‘Live in Leith’
Black Light, one of the organizing centers of the "ETC Rent" program, participated in "Live in Leith" in Scotland, bringing the new High End Systems Turboray devices to the event.
The Sulim Kadyrov Mosque features 70+ RCF speakers
The Sulim Kadyrov Mosque, located in Oyskhara with a capacity of up to 15,000 people opened in 2020. Master Sound with the assistance of the Moscow-based RCF distributor ARIS installed 70+ RCF speakers.
Hearts it in Red for Livestream Event
Dan Ridd, Steven Haynes and a team from Clearsound Productions in Shipston on Stour, UK, marked the culmination of a week of #LightItInRed ‘heart’ actions featuring Robe moving lights!
Edge Lab VP facility powered by Brompton Technology
Cutting Edge announced Edge Lab is its newest venture in Virtual Production. Brompton Technology processing is used for the main LED screen of the facility.
The registration is open for Virtual Showlight 2021
Virtual Showlight 21 is delighted to announce that registration for its unique online event is now Open ! Tickets for the event wich will take place on 25 May 2021 between 15.00 BST and 23.00 BST can be obtained from Hubilo.
Focusrite Group has acquired Sequential
In a joint statement, Focusrite Group and Sequential LLC today announced that Focusrite plc has acquired Sequential LLC, the respected American synthesizer manufacturer led by legendary electronic instrument designer and Grammy winner Dave Smith.
State Kremlin Palace chooses DiGiCo Quantum7 & 338
Accommodating 6000 spectators and Russia’s principal stage, the State Kremlin Palace has been equipped by ARIS with DiGiCo Quantum7 & Quantum338 consoles creating a fully redundant system integrated with the venue’s existing Stage Tec Nexus routing system.