
Ayrton Khamsin-S and Bora-S, the winds of madness

Text & photos: Stéphane Mocret & Tristan Szylobryt.

To the great credit of Ayrton, the new spot/profile Khamsin-S and wash/beam Bora-S, which were unveiled in November, were ready to be measured and dismantled in April for our usual SLU tests. Our only problem was: how could we test such powerful units in field conditions?

Wash/Beam Bora-S et Khamsin-S

The answer to this question was provided by Titian Parrot, technical director of La Sirène (a concert hall in La Rochelle, in western France), who opened his doors to us on one condition: that we would bring Stéphane Migné (lighting designer) and the two fixtures to his venue, which also benefits from a large selection of other Ayrton fixtures already installed there: Ghibli, NandoBeam and MagicBlade.


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