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Powersoft X4L at Prolight+Sound 2019, the Beast creeps in

Almost sneak preview of the Powersoft X4L, although it’s a real Formula 1 monster. We met its creator Claudio Lastrucci at Prolight & Sound, to learn more about this new model in the X Series and discover what’s under the hood.

Text: Ludovic Monchat. Photos: Ludovic Monchat and B&C. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

The patience of Mister Chauvet

Chauvet is slowly but surely a major player in the scramble. With the switch to MK3 for the Spot and the Profile, Chauvet introduces two quality moving heads, full of features, ready to shake the world rankings.

Text & Photos: Tristan Zylobryt. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

CLF Lighting has a rental DNA and innovation in mind

The CLF Lighting brand is emblematic of an evolution of the notion of brand, resulting here from the internal NEEDS of a big Dutch rental company, Rent-All. Several newbies at Prolight + Sound, including a 3-in-1 clever motorized matrix, the Stinger, and many more.

Text & photos: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Adamson new products at Prolight+Sound, SLU report and interviews

When we do not see anything coming, it does not mean that no work's done, just that the secrets are well kept. Adamson opens the floodgates of new products, with quite a lot of new models. Finally it's also movin' and dancin' for pro audio, and not only for lighting!

Text: Ludovic Monchat. Photos: Ludovic Monchat et Adamson. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

GLP 25th anniversary presents: S350 Wash, Highlander, Impression FR10 Bar & KNV modules

25h Anniversary candles for GLP blown this year in style on their large Prolight+Sound stand, with bagpipe melodies and impressive Highlander new Washlight flagship, FR10 LED bar with individual zooms, and a beefed up KNV series.

Text & photos: Jérôme Boutié.

Briteq BT-Blinder2 IP, an exemplary LED Blinder

Very likeable piece of kit indeed! The Briteq BT-Blinder2 IP stands as what’s the best at the moment on the market as LED FL-1300 blinder type. Practical and very useful, the Fast Clamp V2 on its Camlock locking base.

Text & photos: Jocelyn Morel. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.


There are certain places like the Elysee Montmartre that are steeped in history. We visited this Parisian landmark built in 1807, which, like the phoenix, is reborn from its own ashes. It was completely refurbished after a fire and reopened in September 2016.

Text: Ludovic Monchat -  Photos: Ludovic Monchat and Élysée Montmartre.

DTS Alchemy 5, a classic reinvented

Fitted with a 6-color LED engine, the Alchemy 5 takes on the look and the beam of one of the world's greatest classics in the wash projector, originally equipped with a 575 MSR lamp, and you can still see it everywhere. most TV studios.

Text & photo: Jocelyn Morel. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Robe SilverScan, looking back in the (moving) mirror

Robe was celebrating in an Adventure Movie set its 25th Anniversary at Prolight+Sound with an already cult Silver Jubilee projectors range. First unexpected surprise, the much-awaited return of the Moving Mirror Scanner, this intelligent projector too quickly forgotten.

Text & photos: Tristan Szylobryt. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.


We were waiting for it, and here he is at Prolight + Sound 2019; The Mac Allure Wash PC strictly reflects the design and much of the functions of its fellow Spot version, as well as all its many control protocols.

Text & photos: Jérôme Boutié. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Pre-managed Swisson XES-2T6 switch, network for dummies

To build a data bridge between the control room and the stage to send Art-Net, Dante and a VNC, all at the same time, two preconfigured network-linked switches can be more than enough. This is why Swisson has developed the XES-2T6, an intelligent Class 2 switch.

Text & photos: Tristan Szylobryt. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Sixty82: many steps to success

On the Sixty82 booth at Prolight+Sound, you don't know where to start from. This young brand created in march 2018 by Dutch ol'timers professional trussmakers and aluminium afficionados was presenting a bunch of new and various gizmos, alu-luyah ! And mind the step…

Text & photos: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Vari-Lite VL6500, retro-style and brand new

Do you remember good ol'VL5 or even VL500 both proudly boasting a turbine engine look? This very recognisable design is a cross-mix with the look of the brand new VL6500, to create the future creature from the brains of Vari-Lite.

Text & photos: Jérôme Boutié. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

dbTechnologies, low profile in style at Prolight and Sound

Present in full force with their big VIO L212 system in listening test, dB Technologies also unveiled in Frankfurt two self-amplified newbies, practical and very well thought out: the small point source VIO X205 loudspeaker, and the ultra-flat VIO W10 wedge monitor.

Text & photos: Ludo Monchat. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

New ETC touchscreens for lift control and architectural lighting

For this 2019 Prolight+Sound edition, the US brand came to Europe with two new intelligent interfaces in its suitcase. The first one is dedicated to lift control for motors, and, last but not least, the second one is a touchscreen controller for architectural lighting.

Text & photos: Jérôme Boutié. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.
