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The La Fête des Vignerons – Dushow in Switzerland. Part 1: the sound

This Winemakers' Festival takes place only four or five times per century, so it is essential not to miss this highly technical event. Emma Husson, an SLU contributor who was part of this Swiss adventure, tells us about it from the inside in two installments.
Text Emma Husson - Photos see individual credits

Back and bright: The Italian Job from Desisti and Storaro

Blow of genius and sheer excess, here. Maestro Vittorio Storaro, soon octogenarian, still has not stored away his photocell of photography director. He’s now signing a full De Sisti series of specific cinema sets fixtures with his daughter, architectural lighting designer.
Text: Tristan Szylobryt. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Coemar performs his LED moult with Otello Fresnel and ReLite solutions

Coemar has undergone a radical change of its series of projector, a moult that begun in 2014 with the first LEDko profile luminaires.

Text: Stéphane Mocret.

Centennial and booming: Robert Juliat tracking innovation with SpotMe

The latest version of the SpotMe tracking system, allowing a manual follow-up from a followspot operator to manage other moving heads, uses the PosiStageNet protocol to send the X/Y/Z coordinates of any object or person in a 3D environment, stage, event hall, etc.
Text & photos: Tristan Szylobryt.

Newbies’ galore for Elation in 2019! And more to come…

The US team of Elation are storming the old continent with an impressive collection of 100 % LED moving heads, including the mighty Hybrid Beam/Wash with blades Proteus Maximus and the Monet Spot/Profile, and more...

Text & photos: Jérôme Boutié.

City Theatrical Multiverse: Made in Broadway, and ready for Europe

European premiere for favorite Broadway musicals’ supplier City Theatrical, launching the Multiverse, a DMX/RDM transmitter that can send simultaneously 10 full DMX universes. Let's understand how it can solve the potential traffic jam of data in the 2.4 GHz airspace.

Text, translation & photos: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Wireless Solutions ProBox F-2500 in G5

The ProBox F-2500 represents the fifth generation of Wireless DMX transceivers created by Wireless Solution from Sweden, who sign here their most accomplished device and concept and can be used as a transmitter, as a receiver or as a repeater, depending of its mode.

Text & photos: Tristan Szylobryt.

Jazzin’ under 12-inch apple trees: Nexo M12 lands in Normandy with JM Roussel

Long-lasting jazz festival institution able to gather the biggest names in Coutances, Normandy, Jazz sous les Pommiers has received this year one of the first big Nexo M12 systems. SoundLightUp exclusive interview with sound and acoustics maestro Jean-Marie Roussel.

Text & photos: Ludovic Monchat. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Wash, decoration and architectural fixtures for Starway

Starway is relying a lot on their many decoration projectors fitted with LED sources, with two versions of the Vega, Maxi-Vega and Mini-Vega. The French manufacturer is also launching two newbies, Floodlite 650 kinda pocket Blinder and architectural washer Kepler 350.

Text & photos: Tristan Szylobryt.

ChamSys QuickQ Rack, the rackable version of the QuickQ consoles

It is a completely stand-alone console, to program and restore light cues and programs without any node or controller. It matches the needs of installers and, in general, the remote control applications. It has 4 DMX universes via the Art-Net and sACN or 2 DMX-RDM o/p

Text & photos: Stéphane Mocret. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Girls just want to have fun at FOH: Chacha at the helm

Female technicians are only a few, gifted, modest and talented, one more reason to meet ChaCha de Cayeux mixing FOH for Hyphen Hyphen, talk about her career and listen to her mix on a beautiful afternoon at the Zenith in Paris.

Texte : Ludovic Monchat - Traduction : Charline de Cayeux

With Augment3D, ETC gives EOS 3 dimensions in real time

Launched at Prolight + Sound 2019, and now in usable Beta version for tests, ETC Augment3d is a new programming tool that will change the operators' life, combining visualization with augmented reality and allows to set a focus with your phone and one finger.

Text & photos: Stéphane Mocret. Translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

Tube it or not tube it? Not a question for Astera

What a choice of tubes for Astera! The 2 m version of the hit-selling Titan Tube doesn't affect the success of the previous Helios smaller brother (in 50 cm length), with its galore of clever accessories. Tube it or not tube it? No question, just try se 'em all!

Text & photos & translation: Bruno P. Souchaud.

From controller to the final pixel, ENTTEC launches ten new products

2019 is a great year for ENTTEC, launching 10 new products. Since 1999 the Australian manufacturer has made great progress. After the USB / DMX interface that made this brand famous, it offers us a complete range, from the controller to the light source.

Text & photos: Stéphane Mocret.

4 billion views wonder Maitre Gims shines through, thanks to PRG Pure10 screen

Never heard of Maitre Gims, aka GIMS, R&B French hitmaker? He’s approaching 4 billion views on YouTube, and 8 million subscribers, and now touring with a unique interactive video set-up, magnified by PRG MC7 and transparent Pure10 all movin’ and slidin’ LED screens.

Text & photos: Bruno P. Souchaud.
